Friday, May 8, 2009

Act 1 - Scene 1

Act 1 - Scene 1

So it begins

The first scene opens with a fully staffed bridge aboard a Federation Starship. Amongst the senior staff, multiple redshirts are in the background, not moving. The dark blue viewscreen paints an almost hypnotic pattern upon the entire bridge, the crew is bathed in a eerie blue that seems to emulate the tension in the room. As the Starship floats about Planet Trihs, the senior staff begin a rescue mission.

Senior Medical Officer - “Captain, the entire base went of the grid at 0900 hours.”

Captain - “I see...”

The captain looks at the screen thoughtfully, his dark brown eyes full of doubt.

Senior Security Chief - “Captain, I recommend sending down an away team to investigate.”

Captain - “Yes, that seems wise. This mission is incredibly dangerous though... Hm... Generic Redshirts 1-17, get to the transporter bay, this is your moment to shine!”

Suddenly, the Redshirts on the bridge move as one, saluting the captain. Each redshirt is unremarkable as the last.

Generic Redshirts 1- 17 - “Aye captain!”

Senior Medical Officer - “Captain, why did we have 17 Redshirts on the bridge?”

Captain - “Well, you know how we're always attacked and people usually end up flying around the bridge when a torpedo hits and such? Obviously we can't lose any of our senior staff, so we put like 20 redshirts on the bridge at a time to... cushion the explosions.”

Senior Medical Officer - “I see, very wise of you captain.”

Captain - “I thought so too.”

Act 1 - Scene 2

Act 1 – Scene 2

After very little preparation or any kind of mission briefing, the Starship beams down the 17 redshirts to the planet. Naturally, 3 redshirts were lost while transporting, and another redshirt transported in and somehow fused with a rock, and died quickly. Of the 14 redshirts left, none had any kind of military training or even the most basic survival sense. To make matters worse, the Starship “accidentally” beamed them 10 miles for the abandoned base. As the redshirts gather their remaining men, the begin a brief conversation.

Generic Redshirt #12 - “Damn those senior officers, always making us look bad. Bastards.”

Generic Redshirt #8 - “Look at this fucking planet, why the hell would Starfleet build a base here?”

The planet is a desolate rock. The surface of the planet is nothing but dark green rocks and weird blue trees. The landscape is scarred with what seems like war marks. The wind blows slightly and kicks a blue-green dust into the air. The dust floats into the green sky, absorbed by the probably toxic air.

A single redshirt is unlucky enough to inhale the dust, and promptly dies.

Generic Redshirt #15 - “Noooo! Not... uh... that guy! I loved him like a brother! DAMN YOU SENIOR OFFICERS!”

The other redshirts put on small breathing apparatuses.

Generic Redshirt #8 - “Man, did the survey team even test the atmosphere of this planet? For fucks sake, this could have been a toxic atmosphere. Also, I can't friggin believe I just had two speaking parts right next to each other! It must be my lucky day!”

Bright orange lighting strikes and kills Generic Redshirt #8, he disintegrates in seconds.

Generic Redshirt #3 - “What a loser. Alright, who's in charge here?”

The redshirts looks amongst each other, perplexed.

Generic Redshirt #6 - “Did they even assign a leader for this away group?”

Again, confusion waves over the redshirts.

Generic Redshirt #6 - “God dammit. Fine, I'll lead us. Get your gear together, we're leaving now. Let's get to the base without any more causalities.”

Act 1 - Scene 3

Act 1 - Scene 3

The redshirts travel almost two miles without complications. They come upon a large crevice in the planet, probably cause by millions of years of erosion thanks to a long dried up river. The crack is almost 20 feet wide, with no visible bottom. Luckily for the redshirts, an old rickety bridge has been set up from generations past.

Generic Redshirt #14 - “Well, that doesn't look safe at all. Hey, Generic Redshirt number 6, you go first.”

Generic Redshirt #6 - “Fine, I will, and nothing will happen.”

Generic Redshirt #6 crosses the crevice without incident, as does the rest of the team. As they arrive at the other side, Generic Redshirt #14 speaks up once again.

Generic Redshirt #14 - “Well, I guess I had nothing to worry about after all. That could have ended ba-”

Before he can even finish his sentence, a giant pterodactyl-like bird swoops down and carries GR14 away. The other redshirts don't even seem to notice.

The redshirts continue on their journey, and only 2 more die on the trip. One slips and falls down a massive crack in the planet, and another disappears for no damn reason. They finally arrive at the mouth of the cave where the Starfleet base is located. Slowly, the redshirts turn on their flashlights and begin their exploration of the cave, in hopes of finding the entrance to the base.

The cave itself looked like any other cave, but with a sickly green glow about it. Giant stalactites hang from the ceilings, like massive teeth getting ready to bite down on the unfortunate explorers. After a few minutes of searching, they stumble upon the entrance to the base.

Generic Redshirt #15 - “I can't believe we made it! And only with 9 causalities. Not too bad, I must say.”

Suddenly, a stalactite crashes down upon a redshirt, killing him.

The other redshirts shift nervously.

Generic Redshirt #15 - “Uh... 10 casualties. Still not too bad...”

Generic Redshirt #12 - “Let's get this door open”

Generic Redshirt #6 - “Good call...” Under his breath “idiot...”

The remaining redshirts open the base doors, and prepare themselves for whatever misfortune is sure to befall them within the depths of the Starfleet base.